Random Thoughts #23: Eloquent kids, boots, Just Be Held

Little girl trying to play with/control 2 balls: “I’m babysitting!”

“First grade is horribler!”
-a first grade boy, during “-er/-est” homework

My sister just ate her oatmeal with a fork.

“I have no idea what we are playing here.” Lamented a first grade girl as she passed with a classmate making strange playacting noises and gestures.

I really wanna see Kung Fu Panda 3.

The middle schoolers had no idea what to do with the answer of “mostly classical” that I gave to their question of what kind of music I like to listen to. That and movie soundtracks. And sometimes CCM.

This new kindergartener has the biggest vocabulary of any I’ve seen so far.
• “Darth Maul is Darth Sidious’ apprentice.”
• “This is excellent! I can make anything I want with this clay.”
• “I’m taped to the ground with indestructible metal.”
• “I’m going to do something on the monkey bars. …If I have enough courage.”
• “Or, as a alternative…”
• “Do you think that would be wise?”
• “The name of the bad guy [in a game of pretend] is Carius Matoya.”
• “And when I whirled around, there was nothing.”
• “Can you see the pupil on this bug?”
• “I was just curious…”
• “Isn’t that oddly shaped?”
• “I love my rock collection. One was all dull on the outside but had sparkling crystals on the inside.”
•”If you look closely, you can see the shimmering on this side of this rock.”
• “I’m not sure, but I’m assuming it’s this one.”
• “I’m suspecting it’s made simply by mixing clay and water together?”
• “It’s a scroll. Which they used for paper in the olden dayspapyrus.
• “I love Greek mythology!”
• “We have a situation over there.”

It’s much better to undersweeten peppermint herbal tea than to oversweeten it.

A windbreaker over branches sounds just like the wind.

These boots of mine made quite the stir the other day!image
Kindergarten girl: “Ooohh! You’re wearing your new boots!”
4th grade girl:”I really like your violet purple boots. They really shine out.”
Random lady at the library: “I LOVE your boots!”

“I’ve been rapping since I was 4.” -7 year old

Some of the daycare kiddos:
“I don’t do anything for Earth Day. What are you supposed do?”
“You clean up stuff other people littered. …For the Earth.”

“Girls like boots, don’t they?” -my sisters’ 60-something male piano teacher

This song is my favorite right now.

Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. 
-1 Peter 5:7

Random thoughts #22: Oscar, kids think, & 7

“I’ll call him Oscar.”
“Oscar? You can’t name a lamb Oscar. You name a lamb Fluffy…or Cottonball…But you don’t name a lamb Oscar.”
-Paws & Tales kids radio show

“Ten days after I turned 8, got my lips stuck in a gate; my friends all laughed. And I just stood there until the fire department came and broke the lock with a crowbar and I had to spend the next 6 weeks in lip rehab where I met this kid named Oscar who got stung by a bee, right on the lips, and we couldn’t even talk to each other until the fifth week cuz both of our lips were so swollen. And when he did start speaking, he just spoke Polish, and I didn’t know but like 3 words in Polish, except now I know 4 – because Oscar taught me the word for lips.”
-Veggietales “I Love My Lips” silly song

Took me the longest time to figure out what Larry was saying in that ^^ monologue 🙄 

“He’s my pet and his name is Oscar. He’s mine.”
-kindergarten girl, of a fly buzzing around the room.

You don’t want to hear how these giraffe puppets took so much time and hassle to make. You just want to see the cute picture. So here you go. 😛

Bright teal and cherry red hibiscus make me ridiculously happy. 😀

Going out of your way to step on and crunch the few dried deciduous leaves = fall in Southern California.

Wintery crafts are the best!

Me to two middle schoolers who were fighting: “It takes 2 to tango.”
One of the middle schoolers: “Yeah, but…but…it takes one to…play video games…”

If coffee is warmed in the microwave for 22 minutes instead of 2, the smell takes over 2 months to go away. 😛

“I call it, “Victory of Life”!” -kindergartener in a melodramatic voice, of a pattern she’d just decorated her paper with XD

According to a 1st grader, you can “speak Texas.” 😛

When the Carl’s Jr. root beer tastes like it’s been mixed with sweet tea 😕

Straightforward kindergartener: “Once I had something go in here [points to arm] that touched my blood to see if I could have eggs or not.”

“A hacker is someone who goes on a computer and makes your technology not work.” -2nd grader

Do you know how hard it is to arrange 7 things in a perfect circle?

Now a half circle or mountain, that’s not hard:   

 Speaking of 7, and of 7 stars, I really like how the symbol for Aragorn’s kingship is the same as Jesus’. 8)

I came across this verse in my daily Bible reading:

And He had in His right hand seven stars: and out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and His countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. -Revelation 1:16

That’s our Jesus!

Easy kid crafts: Igloo and Jellyfish

Some crafts we helped the kindergartners in daycare make. You can use these for the letters I and J, or as winter and animal crafts, or just as a fun activity anytime 🙂



Glue a Styrofoam bowl to a base, and add a bent strip of cardboard to form the entrance.


Cover that with cotton balls, and add stuffing/batting for snow.



These are coffee filters colored with markers, gotten barely wet, wrung out and laid flat to dry, then had thin strips of streamers glued around the edge. They’re then draped over a plastic or Styrofoam cup that’s been cut down to half its size.
Poke a hole through the filter and cup to secure both together and have a way to hang it up.

Random thoughts #21: Rain, Disney, & hilarious kids

Man’s voice on radio: “I was having lunch with my pastor, and she told me…” *double take* There is just so much wrong with that situation.

Waking up to the sound of rain is pure bliss.

“A bad memory is so awful.” -kindergartener

“You don’t know what’s in my head.”
“Your brain!”
“No, what I’m thinking.”
“Your brain HAS the thinking, duh!!”
-2nd graders

“So you’re saying that God’s the biggest of them all, and He’s on my team!!”
(Because sometimes you just need a Veggietales reminder 🙂 )

Lasagna made with boiled matzah crackers. It’s a thing. And a pretty tasty thing, at that.

While playing “kitchen,” a kindergarten boy was being aggravating, setting the price of the toy eggs anywhere from $12 to $100 million, so an exasperated classmate responded with “Then I’ll use my powers and I’ll put them on your face.” XD

Playing a game with too few people has its challenges, as these kids discovered.
“Can I not be out when I’m out?”
“I’m a ball, bounce me at the wall.”

Sit-n-Sleep will beat any advertised price or your mattress is freeeeeeeeeee

Pretty sure a kindergarten girl just invented a Transformer fairy. 😎

You know you’re a crafter when you look at clothes on the clearance rack not in terms of “will it fit me?” but like “that would be great for that other project!”

Don’t cross your eyes, because 1. Your eyes will fall out, or 2. They’ll stay crossed and you’ll see two of everything! (At least, so says a second grader 😛 )

“Look at my green apple. It’s all green and shiny. My preciousssss!” The 1st grade girl who said this had no knowledge of Gollum, nor any idea how much she was cracking me up 😉

I will find my way, I can go the distance
I’ll be there someday, if I can be strong
I know ev’ry mile, will be worth my while
When I go the distance, I’ll be right where I belong

Check this out –> https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/dining/magic-kingdom/be-our-guest-restaurant/menus/dinner/  <– lap of luxury right there…

1st grade little boy: It’s so cloudy today!
Me: Yeah, I like cloudy days. How about you?
Him: No. Because you never know when it might rain.
Me: I like it when it rains. Don’t you like the rain?
Him: But…But there might be a thunder storm or a lightning storm!
Me: I love lightning storms! You don’t?!
Him: [completely baffled] No!! I don’t like any of those things! [runs off to play]

One 1st grader to another: “You sound like a henchman of a bad guy!”

Little girls playing a game of make-believe involving pretending to be pregnant, and making play cake: “I can only have 1 bite, cuz I got 3 babies in my stomach.”

Not-too-thrilled 2nd grader at snacktime: “Everything’s pumpkin now…so these are pumpkin crackers.”

Brother and sister, (1st and K) discussing play money received by the latter:
Brother: “You’re telling me you don’t know if they’re real?”
Sister: “They’re shiny…”
Brother: “Okay, then I guess they’re real.”
Take note, government 😛

For my mom, sisters and I, a “girls night out” consists of watching Disney princess movies…and soundly critiquing them based on the Bible 😉

Random thoughts #18: Billboards, travel, solar system, & kid surprises

There was a taxi with the label “clean air vehicle”…and the driver was smoking. 😐

Ahhhh…I haven’t been on Molendrix.com in forever.


I like the combo of pink and tan.

I’ve been reading a lot of free Kindle travel books lately.

Ketchup actually makes a really good dip for plain potato chips.

In Vegas, if you want an all-black taxi with a cool driver dressed in a black suit and wearing sunglasses and an earpiece, it’s $50. A regular taxi with a plainly-dressed driver is $20. In Vegas.

Have you seen the largest photograph ever taken? Click here and prepare to have your mind blown by the sheer grandeur of our solar system and our God who made it.

“Stay connected. Or stay disconnected, ya ignoramus.”
-a radio station billboard

Kindergarten boy, about Pirates of the Caribbean: “They’re scary. But they have good songs.” Never seen it but from the previews I’ve seen and the couple songs I’ve heard, that seems accurate.

Kindergarten boy, on anacondas: “Are those a fruit? Or a vegetable?” Yes, genuine question.

“You don’t have to be famous to be unforgettable.”

Wendy’s honey mustard is a nice dip for homemade chicken sandwiches.

1st grade boy asks: “Is everyone the same?” And I’m thinking, what do you mean-quality, looks, identity, value…? #loadedquestion

So cute to see a little girl at school practicing moves from her hula class.

There must be something artsy you can make out of paper crayon wrappers.

Know what’s really cool? Watching an 8th grade boy sit with a kindergarten boy and patiently teach him how to play a game. 🙂

“Grab your hat and let’s go to Paris!”

Never mind that that ^^ is a snippet of a kindergartner girls’ “pretend” game. That sounds good NOW 😉

At first I didn’t like the Kindle’s non-auto-rotate feature, but now I really do. 8)

“You won the game, but the game says you lost.”
“You won the battle, but lost the war.”
-middle school boys during a game

My littlest brother asked “Can I have cinnamon gum?” and my mom thought he was asking for “some income.” XD

Getting a swag code entered 11 seconds before it expires :O

The need for discernment…

Ski Resort Offers Asylum to Punxsutawney Phil After Police Issue Arrest Warrant

I just can’t look up at the sky and NOT think about our God.

When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained; what is man, that Thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that Thou visitest him?
-Psalm 8:3-4

Random Thoughts #17: Out of the mouth of babes…

Lemon meringue tea? The things these kids come up with…

Okay so a group of 3rd grade girls was playing a game they called “Survivor’s Remorse.” Near as I could figure, they’d hold hands in a ring and spin in a fast circle. Some would lose their balance, let go the others’ hands and fall; they were dubbed the “remorsed” and whoever was left standing was dubbed the “survivor.” 😕 I wonder what they’d think of the real concept…

One 2nd grade girl to another: “Why is your hair all soft and smooth, like a polished pearl?”

Daycare boys discussing whether Power or Speed is “king.”

My littlest brother just substituted “deoxygenated” for “dehydrated.”

Then we were talking about planting apple seeds and growing apple trees. And he started out, “Plant tomato seeds, get tomato… tree…”

*some kindergarten girls are playing pretend*
K 1: “But when does she [a character] turn good?”
K 2: “At the end of the game.”
K 2: “That’s a long time.”

Here’s a couple more from my brother:

“I put salad dressing on everything. Except soup.” (He does.)

“Shouldn’t have told me that [piano] pedal makes it louder; now I use it ALL the time.” (He does.)

Kindergarten girl: “I love toys. But my [4th grade] brother doesn’t. But I think he changed his mind and still likes them.”

Reading about the Israelites in the wilderness, my littlest brother remarked: “They act like bad children. No, not like children—like bad adults.”

Gooz: “These plans are amazing! Papa Chuck thought of everything! This is going to be a great treehouse. When you get done with your treehouse, you gonna build this one?”
Stacy: “We are building that one.”
Gooz: “Where’s the big beam to hold up the roof? This has 2 windows and a rope ladder. Yours has a stick holding up the ceiling.”
Stacy: “…We got a little ahead of ourselves, but it’ll be good and strong when we’re finished. We’re the kind of builders who…work off a picture in their heads. What do you call those builders?”
Gooz: “Unemployed.”

-kids building a treehouse in Paws & Tales: “A Good Foundation”

I tell ya, Insight for Living‘s kids radio show “Paws & Tales” has some great writing. ^^

Older boy, trying to get the girl who has the ball to throw it: “Yoga class is over!”

One kindergartner to another, over some squabble they were having: “You’re making us want to cry and you’re breaking our hearts.”

Overheard in a kindergartener game of pretend: “Of course, you’re just born, so you’re 0.”

Kids are hilarious. But don’t underestimate them! Remember what Jesus said:

And Jesus said to them, “Yes. Have you never read,
‘Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants
You have perfected praise’?”
-Matthew 21:14

Random Thoughts #11: Combos, stories, & opinions

So when is the Hobbit 3 trailer coming??

Some granola bars are actually better half-melted and smooshed.

5-year-old’s advice to her sister during dinner: “This doesn’t taste good. So don’t eat it.”

I had these “peanut puffs” that just tasted like peanut-butter flavored Cheetos. They didn’t taste any better than they sound.

So, I watched Monsters U and Monsters, Inc. in that order. I don’t see why Inc is said to be so much better than U. I think it’s the other way around. U has nice characters and lessons. Mike’s determination and Sully’s change from a spoiled brat are great concepts, especially coming from Disney. But Inc is just a cutesy story about the little girl and Sully while Mike is off chasing a girl. So yeah, I like U better than Inc. Am I the only one?

At work, the smell of grilling onions and burgers was wafting from the neighboring apartments. All day. C’mon guys, don’t torture us like this…

Wait, so, are “Klingons” bad?

Someone else used to have the phone number I now have, and people keep calling for the previous owner(s?). Once I got a message, presumably from the previous number-owner’s boss asking if he could sub at work. Today I got someone leaving a message in Spanish for “Luis” and saying it was “muy importante” 😕 Well I wish I could help…

Beef jerky and potato chips: the dinner of champions. Or road trippers. Or both. (No, really, I love the stuff 8) )

I’m a reader. So, when a little 1st grade girl was trying to read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, I thought it was so cute. Girl after my heart 🙂

Ahhhh my favorite TV series is breaking for the summer! 😦

“If you crush up bone you can make bone smoothies.” -kindergarten boy. Weeeeeell, yeah, technically. But I don’t know about you, but that’s not the first thing I think of to put in a smoothie. Though I do have a sister who used to gnaw on chicken bones.

Hey! Get some raw chicken breast, potatoes, and carrots. Dice it all up. Wrap it up in a foil pouch with some barbecue sauce or ranch. Then stick it in the hot coals of a campfire till cooked through. Then eat. Best. Thing. Ever.

Wonder what we’re having for dinner. It should involve potatoes. Or cheese. Or both.

Some American kids don’t call PB&Js PB&Js.

Speaking of combos, mercy and truth is an awesome one.

“All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep His covenant and His testimonies.”
~Psalm 25:10

“Justice and judgment are the habitation of Thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before Thy face.”
~Psalm 89:14

“Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.”
~Proverbs 3:3-4

Random thoughts #9: Kids, storms, dolls, & cool movies

Maria Miranda. That’s a tongue-twister of a company name.

Now the kindergarten girls are reenacting Frozen. Save me…

An unusually smart kindergartener: “Do you know why I like burnt orange? It’s so realistic.” Is that pessimistic or something?

Sailing, sailing…

Just saw the Tooth Fairy from Rise of the Guardians doing a commercial for tooth brushing. Y’know, ever since seeing her in that movie, I’ve wanted to do something artsy with multicolored feathers and blue sequins.

When you face into the wind and a little piece of something flies straight into your eye, like it was aiming 😡

Anna and Elsa dolls are accompanying kindergarten girls to school and staring annoyingly at me >.< But the seamstress in me admires the costumes and looks forward to coming up with my own versions 😀

Clever 😉

Handful of blue M&Ms

“He’s looking for a green jacket…” Normally this would be mundane, but not at the Masters. Yeah, I only just learned that people who win golf tournaments are given green jackets because the golf tournament was playing on TV at a friend’s house.

Never knew there were so many ways to go across monkey bars. The things you learn from kids…

Speaking of which, a kindergartener was singing “Let It Go,” which is nothing new. What was new was that she was singing it IN KOREAN. She’d translated it herself. Ai yi yi.

Pacific Rim. The cleanest Hollywood action movie I’ve seen. And also very cool. Spectacular humongous reptiles and robots, awesome fights, storms galore, cool future brain technology, amazing soundtrack, and a good message 😎

You calm the storms in my life
And give me hope to live
You guide me and lead me
Every day
Nothing will I fear
As long as You are near
Please hold me
Closely by Your side

-“Times,” Freddy Joseph

There’s the cutest little kid at my school’s daycare. Dreamworks’ “Joseph” movie was on. This kindergartener said, “Oh, I know that story” and proceeded to give a rundown of it, ending with, “And then Joseph got back to his father, and the brothers were on time out or something.” 😆

“That’s paying for brains, you see—the American business principle.”
-Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: “The Valley of Fear.”

I do love me a good, long, comfy denim skirt 😀

This is a great movie any time, but especially at Easter time. He is risen! He has conquered!!


Random Thoughts #8: Star Wars, new food, & kindergarteners

License plate: DGTL AGE. Got that right!

Had Chipotle for the first time in years the other day!

Staring into a fire is so relaxing. And surprisingly inspiring. It’s like hearing narration by Galadriel or Lina Mayfleet or Indiana Jones.

Random observations from my daycare kids:
-“That’s not a ship. That’s Star Wars.” (Apparently Star Wars is a category unto itself.)
-“I don’t know anything about Star Wars. Except the lightsabers.” (Well, that’s a start.)
-“The world can hold a lot of stuff!” (Followed by a recitation of dozens of things found on Earth.)
-“Look, I’m a bell.” (Said while hanging onto a horizontal bar and swinging legs back and forth.)

This is what it’s come to. *all kindergarten girls start singing “Let It Go”* *all kindergarten boys groan and cover their ears*

I don’t know what everyone has against all the little creatures in Star Wars. The Ewoks are sweet and brave. Jar-Jar is funny. Eye-roll funny, but still.

Saw a real live dog wearing the “cone of shame.” O_O


When a pizza delivery car passes us on the road: “pizza angel, please come to me…”

Speaking of SW, I always thought that the time in between Episode III and Episode IV would be such a cool time to set stories 😎


I have snow and ice wallpaper on my iPad—that’s how much I miss the stuff.

Gooey cheese 😀

Studying for the mass communications online class I’m currently in makes this extra funny: “When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, he had 3 missed calls from Chuck Norris.”

These are awesome and I haven’t had one in too long. And then I had some the other day *party*


Ever had Jicama? Described by my siblings alternately as “like an apple” or “an onion-carrot,” it’s sweet, crunchy, juicy and really, really good. 😀

Well, I’m sure that the squirrel would have LET itself be petted, what with how acquainted it seemed to be with strangers and how close it was letting him get, but nevertheless I would definitely NOT have let my brother pet the squirrel. Thanks for asking.

Hey! Had corned beef & cabbage for the first time this weekend!! I’ve always been fascinated with Ireland so having a famous dish from there was awesome!!!

Oh, and on this day of green, leprechauns, and gold, don’t forget to celebrate a man who courageous and sacrificially went to share God’s truth and love to Ireland.