Katniss’ Red Fire dress

One of my sisters commissioned me to make this for our youngest sister’s Christmas gift. 🙂 Katniss’ interview “girl on fire” dress from The Hunger Games movie. It differs from the original dress in that I added cap sleeves for modesty. It’s a red silky materiel with an attached ruffle of sparkly red lace, and a red wire ribbon flounce/bow.


It was fun getting to go back to my old hobby! 😀

Random thoughts #18: Billboards, travel, solar system, & kid surprises

There was a taxi with the label “clean air vehicle”…and the driver was smoking. 😐

Ahhhh…I haven’t been on Molendrix.com in forever.


I like the combo of pink and tan.

I’ve been reading a lot of free Kindle travel books lately.

Ketchup actually makes a really good dip for plain potato chips.

In Vegas, if you want an all-black taxi with a cool driver dressed in a black suit and wearing sunglasses and an earpiece, it’s $50. A regular taxi with a plainly-dressed driver is $20. In Vegas.

Have you seen the largest photograph ever taken? Click here and prepare to have your mind blown by the sheer grandeur of our solar system and our God who made it.

“Stay connected. Or stay disconnected, ya ignoramus.”
-a radio station billboard

Kindergarten boy, about Pirates of the Caribbean: “They’re scary. But they have good songs.” Never seen it but from the previews I’ve seen and the couple songs I’ve heard, that seems accurate.

Kindergarten boy, on anacondas: “Are those a fruit? Or a vegetable?” Yes, genuine question.

“You don’t have to be famous to be unforgettable.”

Wendy’s honey mustard is a nice dip for homemade chicken sandwiches.

1st grade boy asks: “Is everyone the same?” And I’m thinking, what do you mean-quality, looks, identity, value…? #loadedquestion

So cute to see a little girl at school practicing moves from her hula class.

There must be something artsy you can make out of paper crayon wrappers.

Know what’s really cool? Watching an 8th grade boy sit with a kindergarten boy and patiently teach him how to play a game. 🙂

“Grab your hat and let’s go to Paris!”

Never mind that that ^^ is a snippet of a kindergartner girls’ “pretend” game. That sounds good NOW 😉

At first I didn’t like the Kindle’s non-auto-rotate feature, but now I really do. 8)

“You won the game, but the game says you lost.”
“You won the battle, but lost the war.”
-middle school boys during a game

My littlest brother asked “Can I have cinnamon gum?” and my mom thought he was asking for “some income.” XD

Getting a swag code entered 11 seconds before it expires :O

The need for discernment…

Ski Resort Offers Asylum to Punxsutawney Phil After Police Issue Arrest Warrant

I just can’t look up at the sky and NOT think about our God.

When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained; what is man, that Thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that Thou visitest him?
-Psalm 8:3-4

Weekly Photo Challenge: Achievement

I like making outfits for fashion dolls. I did a whole bunch of them at one time. (That’s actually the reason I originally started this blog 😉 ) Anyhow, this one outfit took a lot of time but it came out really well. It’s based on a few “The Lord of the Rings” movie characters, and is my favorite of all the doll outfits I’ve made to date 😀 So it’s my take on this week’s photo challenge 🙂
Here you can read the whole post.


Random thoughts #9: Kids, storms, dolls, & cool movies

Maria Miranda. That’s a tongue-twister of a company name.

Now the kindergarten girls are reenacting Frozen. Save me…

An unusually smart kindergartener: “Do you know why I like burnt orange? It’s so realistic.” Is that pessimistic or something?

Sailing, sailing…

Just saw the Tooth Fairy from Rise of the Guardians doing a commercial for tooth brushing. Y’know, ever since seeing her in that movie, I’ve wanted to do something artsy with multicolored feathers and blue sequins.

When you face into the wind and a little piece of something flies straight into your eye, like it was aiming 😡

Anna and Elsa dolls are accompanying kindergarten girls to school and staring annoyingly at me >.< But the seamstress in me admires the costumes and looks forward to coming up with my own versions 😀

Clever 😉

Handful of blue M&Ms

“He’s looking for a green jacket…” Normally this would be mundane, but not at the Masters. Yeah, I only just learned that people who win golf tournaments are given green jackets because the golf tournament was playing on TV at a friend’s house.

Never knew there were so many ways to go across monkey bars. The things you learn from kids…

Speaking of which, a kindergartener was singing “Let It Go,” which is nothing new. What was new was that she was singing it IN KOREAN. She’d translated it herself. Ai yi yi.

Pacific Rim. The cleanest Hollywood action movie I’ve seen. And also very cool. Spectacular humongous reptiles and robots, awesome fights, storms galore, cool future brain technology, amazing soundtrack, and a good message 😎

You calm the storms in my life
And give me hope to live
You guide me and lead me
Every day
Nothing will I fear
As long as You are near
Please hold me
Closely by Your side

-“Times,” Freddy Joseph

There’s the cutest little kid at my school’s daycare. Dreamworks’ “Joseph” movie was on. This kindergartener said, “Oh, I know that story” and proceeded to give a rundown of it, ending with, “And then Joseph got back to his father, and the brothers were on time out or something.” 😆

“That’s paying for brains, you see—the American business principle.”
-Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: “The Valley of Fear.”

I do love me a good, long, comfy denim skirt 😀

This is a great movie any time, but especially at Easter time. He is risen! He has conquered!!



My apologies for the lack of recent posts–our family recently moved, so I haven’t had much time to blog! The story is, we had a deadline to move out of our house and God miraculously provided another house through the pastors at our church. However, we had to first move our things to a storage unit and work on fixing up the new house (pulling up carpet, having the wood floors refinished and painting all the interiors); then we moved everything from storage to the house. We are still in the process of retiling the kitchen floors. God has blessed us with so many friends to help, though! 😀 

So those are the recent happenings. But stay tuned for upcoming posts about dolls, history, and photography! 

Happy December!