Chase Dress

Chase Dress

This is also known as the Riding outfit.  Arwen wears this pretty and practical “Lord of the Rings” dress when she saves Frodo from the Ringwraiths and brings him to Rivendell.

In lieu of swede, I used a grey T-shirt fabric, and finished the edges with Fray-Check: I think it gives a pretty good look.  I had a good pattern, but it was still a rather complicated project.  It’s the first dress I’ve made that has princess seams.  The skirt was pretty easy and looks really cool.  The bodice and sleeves were…harder.  Lots of little pieces to keep track of, fitting, modifications….   But I think it came out well 🙂

The princess seams are modified so the seam is at the shoulder.  A seam runs down the front of the bodice and the dress pulls over the doll’s head.  Embroidery floss was used for the laced ties in front, and there’s a ribbon sash in the back.  The coat sleeves are 2-piece, the lower part being petal wrapped.  The skirts (my favorite part) are actually 2 petal shapes, slightly overlapping in front and back.  Attached to the main dress/coat are flared, white lower sleeves, and a white underskirt, that’s also split in front and back, (made from a pair of tights with a crinkle texture).  Brown leggings are worn underneath.

Yellow elf dress

Yellow elf dress

My first sale!  My little sister commissioned and bought this dress.  An elf lady in Rivendell (I think) wore it in the “Lord of the Rings” movie.  The coat is from the Rose dress pattern. The sleeves are interesting but pretty.  There’s a striped underdress.  My sister made the belt out of beads.

Grey with stars

Grey dress

In the “Lord of the Rings” books, J.R.R. Tolkien only describes 1 dress that Arwen wears–in Rivendell, she wears “soft grey raiment.”  When I read that, I was kinda surprised the movies hadn’t featured 1 similar to that description–I would’ve loved to see it.  Or does the Chase dress count?  Hmmmm….  But I had fun making up this one on my own 🙂

It’s made of the same fabric as the cloak on the Ranger doll is.  It’s edged with this neat decorative stitch on our sewing machine…it’s like flower petals–pretty Elvish looking. I really like the way it makes the hem ripple.  The belt is made of various crystal-looking beads and stars.

Rose dress

Rose dress

This dress was cut from the theatrical version of “Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring”, but I found a pattern for it and also had the material, so I made it.  The pretty underdress has roses on a light pink background.

This is second time I made this dress–I’ve sold the original.  I added the gold paint, then decided I liked it better plain 😀
