Random Thoughts #24: Love, Yoga, & Oceans

Kindergarteners on a bird in a Dr. Suess book:
“That does NOT look like a bird.”
“That doesn’t look anything like a bird!”
“What kind of bird that?”

Sally: “Do you believe love is the answer to everything?”
Pianist: “Boy, I sure hope not.”
-Charlie Brown

More from our eloquent kindergarten boy:
“You’re faster than me, so this is very challenging.”
“Like a kaleidoscope.”
“You could break a bone, or crack your head!”
“I just got frightened because of a loud noise.”
“Here’s the ridiculous woman.”
“I can’t pronounce some words.”
“A little more effort.”
“My suspect-er went off at him.”
“She’s going to prepare us pizza.”
“To my surprise…”

3rd grader walking by a group of kindergarteners: “Hello there, little dumplings.”

“I need a bandaid, because I damaged myself.”
-tiny kid

Watching a princess movie, a second-grade girl wondered in an annoyed voice, “How come they always have to be about love and marriage?”

“I wonder why adults make such a big deal about kissing on TV when every Disney movie has kissing!”
-perceptive 4th grade girl

“Some exposure to childhood and other diseases in a school environment.” -in a craigslist ad for substitute teachers

Tan, green, and pink are a group of colors that go together very nicely.


When You don’t move the mountains
I’m needing You to move
When You don’t part the waters
I wish I could walk through
When You don’t give the answers
As I cry out to You
I will trust
I will trust
I will trust in You

Snoopy and Sally discussing whether to start a story with “It was a dark and stormy night” or “Once upon a time” culminated in “Once upon a time, it was a dark and stormy night.” 😛

Had the most interesting convo with a smart and forthright 7th grader
Him: “Do you do yoga?”
Me: “Noooo…”
Him: “Because you look like the type of person who would do yoga.”
Me: “Inner peace and all that? 😉 ”
Him: [surprisingly quickly and emphatically] “YES!”
Me: “Y’know, it’s not yoga. Reading the Bible is really peaceful. You should try it.”
Him: “I tried that a little bit…”
Me: “Try the Psalms. They’re really good. David wrote them, you know that?”
Him: “Oh. Just not the part with David and Bathsheba.”
Me: “Yeah, there’s no Bathsheba in Psalms.”
Him: “Ok. Good.”
Love when I have a chance to naturally share Christ with these kids 😀

It’s been so long since we in Cali had rain, I literally stopped to smell and listen to the neighbor’s running sprinklers.

Cute multimedia art piece!


The ocean is such a powerful place, but a calming one too, if you know that God sets its bounds and rules the waves.

O Lord God of hosts, Who is mighty like You, O Lord? Your faithfulness also surrounds You. You rule the raging of the sea;
Psalm 89: 8-9

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