Edible terrain map!

Look at the kindergartners’ latest school project! It’s a landscape of different terrains, all made out of sweet goodies!


Flat cookies go down first as the base to build on. Green-tinted sweetened coconut makes the “grass” of the “plains.” The “hills” are chocolate chips and the “mountains” are Reese’s peanut butter cups (you could substitute bigger chocolates here), with more chocolate chips on top for ridges and white sprinkles for “snow.”


There’s a “river,” of blue frosting. Next to the “plains” on that side is a Kit-Kat “plateau.”


The “river” leads to an “ocean,” also of blue frosting, and bordered by “coasts” of graham cracker crumbs. The ocean contains cheddar whales (the only non-sweet thing, though gummy fish could be used here) and an “island” made of a vanilla wafer.


What a sweet, educational craft!

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  1. Fun! I’d love to hear what you think of some of the food activities on my blog learntolovefood.com!



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